Optimum Health Program

The best of both Western and Eastern medical thought to improve a patient’s physical and emotional health

The Wellbeing Medical Group’s Optimum Health Program is a bespoke plan which typically includes numerous blood panels, genetic testing, repeat testing, two consultations with our consultant, and at least one bespoke infusion. It relies upon the best of both western and eastern medical thought – integrated medicine – to help improve a patient’s physical and emotional health at the same time.

It focuses on those aspects of alternative medicine which have been scientifically proven to be effective and not harmful, and combines them with more traditionally western thought on dieting, exercise, personal training and fitness.

This is a health programme created just for you, with your unique capabilities, needs and situation in mind. It is designed to make you not just more physically fit and healthy, but to address the psychological issues which might be impacting your health for the worse. It can also help you build the kind of holistically healthy lifestyle which will help you achieve and maintain your fitness goals.

Suitable For

When speaking to an integrated medical professional about your Optimum Health Programme, consider questions like:

Should I be taking supplements to reinforce my progress?

Will this programme be safe and effective over the long term?

Would these practices and lifestyle changes benefit my entire family?

What kind of diet and nutrition habits should I develop in order to meet my health goals?

How much of a part should exercise and physical training play in my Optimum Health Programme?

Get In Touch With Us!

Wellbeing Medical Group thrives to keep your health the no.1 priority. Our staff are dedicated to work closely on your case and offer you the maximum support required to reaching optimized health goals. Each person is an individual for us and so is our approach.

National Coverage Available

Are you based outside of London seeking medical support with a complementary cancer care consultant?

Dedicated concierge service delivered to your home

Nationwide nursing support available

At-home intravenous infusion programme

GMC registered medical support

Other Therapies