Tahir, 32 – Metastasized Cancer

Chemotherapy knocked me out, I didn’t know how I was ever going to get back to a point where I would have the energy for everyday life. I had been on a cocktail of chemo drugs to try to treat the aggressive cancer that had begun to spread. This chemo had taken it all out of me, I was physically and emotionally exhausted, I had peripheral neuropathy, with weakness and tingling in the hands, extreme fatigue, and horrible nausea. I was started on a course of vitamin infusions which have really helped me to get on top of most of these symptoms. I had to be persistent as it took a few weeks for me to start to feel like they were helping but slowly as the weeks went on, I felt that they really started working and I began to feel like I could see some light. I am about to start another course of chemo and feel my body is stronger and ready.

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