The following information has been provided to ensure the patient and the family members have a clear understanding of the private services offered by Wellbeing Medical Group prior to proceeding with any engagements.
I understand the concept behind Wellbeing Medical Group and the service offering.
Prior to signing the medical form clear transparency has been given of services offering. Where applicable a complimentary service of consulting both medical and non-medical members at Wellbeing Medical Group has been offered. This is before making any financial commitment to the company. The company has offered this service for the basis of clear transparency and compassion.
The patient and the family members have been made aware of all relevant members involved by Wellbeing Medical Group and the next steps.
Terms of services will be visible to view prior to financially committing to any products and service offering, this is presented on the invoice allowing the patient and all family members involved the opportunity to review all relevant information that is applicable to the medical journey with Wellbeing Medical Group.
I confirm no guarantees of success or a cure have been outlined or presented and the information shared is of Wellbeing Medical Group experience behind integrative oncology protocols along with medical academic literature that has been studied.
The patient and involved family members hereby agree to adhere to the information presented herein regarding the products and services offered by Wellbeing Medical Group. It is also confirmed the information presented within this form is accurate and correct.